We follow the curriculum prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education,
New Delhi, India.
Continuous Evaluation System
Students’ achievements and skills in different areas of development (cognitive, physical, emotional, social, aesthetic) are observed and recorded on a continuous basis.
We have incorporated in our regular time table, activities such as Work Experience, First Aid, Indigenous games, Art, Yoga, Music etc.
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It has opened an avenue for the personal and social skills, interests and attitudes of the students to be appreciated.
It helps diagnosis of difficulties of the learner and timely remediation.
It gives a holistic picture of the learner.
Rules & Regulations
The school insists on punctuality, regular attendance, grooming in attire and manners.
English is the language of instruction and conversation in school.
The school reserves the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory and whose conduct is harmful to others. Contempt of authority and willful damage of school property are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
Every student is responsible for the safe-keeping of his own belongings. Students are not allowed to bring valuable articles such as jewellery, CDs, mobile phones, iPod and other gadgets.
Latecomers should present themselves to the Principal / Vice principal before they enter the classroom. Late attendance remarks must be duly signed by the parents.
Parents / Guardians shall not visit their wards or teachers in the classrooms without the written permission of the Principal or Vice principal.
Proper school uniform is mandatory, under penalty of exclusion from the classroom except on birthdays and special occasions. Unusual haircuts, coloured hair, beards and improper footwear are valid reasons for denial of admission to class. Girls with long hair should braid their hair.
Absence should be explained in the form of a leave note or on the page of the diary set apart for this purpose. Absence of three or more days should certainly be explained in a letter from the parent and a medical certificate should be produced in case of absence due to an illness.
Students are not allowed to take leave for more than 15 days except for medical reasons as per the instructions from the Ministry of Education, Kuwait.
If both parents are out of the country and the student is under the care of a local guardian, school should be informed in writing.
If a student is to be taken from school during school hours due to some emergency only parents are allowed to do so. The out-pass has to be obtained from the principal or vice principal.
Students and parents are expected to read the school diary for detailed explanation of rules and regulations.
All students must attend the school in the prescribed uniform
Boys: Navy blue trousers (Low waist pants are strictly not permitted), White full-sleeved monogrammed shirt, Navy blue tie, Black leather shoes with straps (Up to Class 6) and Black leather shoes with laces (Class 7 and upwards).
Girls: Navy blue monogrammed pinafore in the school pattern, White full-sleeved blouse, Navy blue tie, Black ballerina shoes without high heels and white calf length socks, Black ribbons or hair bands for hair.
Navy blue blazers must be worn by both boys and girls.

UIS being such a large school, each examination is a massive operation. An efficient examination committee sees to the arrangements such as providing the correct number of answer sheets and question papers in sealed bags. This is done with amazing precision and confidentiality. Strict and systematic seating arrangements are made for each examination and are supervised with great vigilance.
Students are expected to be well prepared for their examinations and any kind of misconduct is treated very seriously.